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  • Schwarz, EM, McLaren, AC, Sculco, TP, Brause, B, Bostrom, M, Kates, SL, Parvizi, J, Alt, V, Arnold, WV, Carli, A, Chen, AF, Choe, H, Coraca-Huber, DC, Cross, M, Ghert, M, Hickok, N, Jennings, JA, Joshi, M, Metsemakers, WJ, Ninomiya, M, Nishitani, K, Oh, I, Padgett, D, Ricciardi, B, Saeed, K, Sendi, P, Springer, B, Stoodley, P, Wenke, JC, and Hospital for Special Surgery Biofilm Symposium, W, Adjuvant antibiotic-loaded bone cement: Concerns with current use and research to make it work. J Orthop Res, 2020. 

  • Jennings, J, Beenken, K, Smeltzer, M, and Haggard, W, Preclinical models of polymicrobial infection for evaluation of antimicrobial combination devices. Selected Technical Papers, 2020.

  • Gant, V, Hendershot, E, Hickok, N, Higuera, CA, Coraca-Huber, DC, Choe, H, Jennings, JA, Joshi, M, Li, WT, Noble, PC, Phillips, KS, Pottinger, PS, Restrepo, C, Rohde, H, Schaer, TP, Shen, H, Smeltzer, M, Stoodley, P, Webb, JCJ, and Witso, E, The 2018 International Consensus Meeting on Musculoskeletal Infection: Summary from the Biofilm Workgroup and consensus on Biofilm related Musculoskeletal Infections. J Orthop Res, 2019. 

  • Boles, LR, Bumgardner, JD, Fujiwara, T, Haggard, WO, Guerra, FD, and Jennings, JA, Characterization of trimethyl chitosan/polyethylene glycol derivatized chitosan blend as an injectable and degradable antimicrobial delivery system. Int J Biol Macromol, 2019. 133: p. 372-381. 

  • Pace, L, Harrison, Z, Brown, M, Haggard, W, and Jennings, J, Characterization and Antibiofilm Activity of Mannitol–Chitosan-Blended Paste for Local Antibiotic Delivery System Marine Drugs, 2019. 17(6). 

  • Wells, CM, Harris, M, Choi, L, Murali, VP, Guerra, FD, and Jennings, JA, Stimuli-Responsive Drug Release from Smart Polymers. J Funct Biomater, 2019. 10(3). 

  • McGraw, GS, Jennings, JA, Fujiwara, T, Masters, E, Haggard, WO, and Bumgardner, JD, Chitosan Microspheres Cross linked with Glyoxal for the Local Delivery of Antibiotics. Journal of Polymer Materials, 2017. 34(1): p. 305-317.

  • Masters, E, Harris, M, and Jennings, J, Cis-2-Decenoic interacts with bacterial cell membranes to potentiate additive and synergistic responses against biofilm. Journal of Bacteriology and Mycology, 2016.

  • Featherston, JB, Duncan, EC, Courtney, HS, Bumgardner, JD, Haggard, WO, and Jennings, JA, Locally Delivered Adenosine and Glutathione Improve Fibroblast Proliferation and Collagen Production. Biomedical Engineering Review, 2015. 2(1): p. 1-22.

  • Jennings, JA, Velasquez Pulgarin, DA, Kunwar, DL, Babu, J, Mishra, S, and Bumgardner, J, Bacterial inhibition by chitosan coatings loaded with silver-decorated calcium phosphate microspheres. Thin Solid Films, 2015. 596: p. 83-86.

  • Doty, HA, Courtney, HS, Jennings, JA, Haggard, WO, and Bumgardner, JD, Elution of amikacin and vancomycin from a calcium sulfate/chitosan bone scaffold. Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, 2015. 2(3): p. 159-172.

  • Jennings, J, Noel, S, Reves, B, Smith, J, Jackson, S, Bumgardner, J, Haggard, W, Courtney, H, and Wenke, J, Evaluation of biodegradable adjunctive therapy for extremity wound infection reduction, in Medical Device Materials V; Proceedings from the Materials & Processes for Medical Devices Conference, J. Gilbert, Editor. 2009, ASM International: Minneapolis, Minnesota. p. 117-122.



2020 | VOL 1                           Springer Nature: Switzerland

Harrison, Z, Pace, L, Awais, R, and Jennings, J, Local Delivery of Anti-biofilm Therapeutics, in Racing for the Surface: Pathogenesis of Implant Infection and Advanced Antimicrobial Strategies, B. Li, et al., Editors. 2020, Springer Nature: Switzerland. p. 477-510. 

2017 | VOL 1                           WOODHEAD PUBLISHING: DUXFORD, UK 


Bumgardner J, Murali V, Su H, Jenkins O, Velasquez Pulgarin D, Jennings J, Sivashanmugam A, and Jayakumar R, Characterization of Chitosan Matters, in Chitosan-Based Biomaterials, Volume 1: Fundamentals, J. Jennings, p. 81-114.

2017 | VOL 2                          WOODHEAD PUBLISHING: DUXFORD, UK 


Harris M, Alexander C, Wells C, Bumgardner J, Carpenter D, and Jennings J, Chitosan for the delivery of antibiotics, in Chitosan-Based Biomaterials, Volume 2: Tissue Engineering and Therapeutics, J. Jennings and J. Bumgardner, Editors. 2017, p. 147-173.

2017 | VOL 1                          WOODHEAD PUBLISHING: DUXFORD, UK.

Jennings J, Controlling chitosan degradation properties in vitro and in vivo, in Chitosan-Based Biomaterials, Volume I: Fundamentals, J. Jennings and J. Bumgardner, Editors. p. 159-182.

2017 | VOL 1                          WOODHEAD PUBLISHING: DUXFORD, UK.

Berretta J, Bumgardner J, and Jennings J, Lyophilized chitosan sponges, in Chitosan-Based Biomaterials, Volume I: Fundamentals, J. Jennings and J. Bumgardner, Editors. p. 239-253.

2017 | VOL 1                                               WOODHEAD PUBLISHING

Jennings J and Bumgardner J, eds. Chitosan-based biomaterials Volume 1: Fundamentals. Chitosan-based biomaterials, ed. J. Jennings and J. Bumgardner, Woodhead Publishing.

2016 | VOL 2                                               WOODHEAD PUBLISHING

Jennings JA and Bumgardner JD, eds. Chitosan-based Biomaterials Volume 2:  Tissue Engineering and Therapeutics. Chitosan-based Biomaterials, ed. J. Jennings and J. Bumgardner.


Jennings J, Novel Biomaterials to Improve Orthopaedic Implant Function, Biocompatibility, and Infection Prevention, in Biomaterials Forum, Third Quarter 2014, Society for Biomaterials: Mt. Laurel, NJ. p. 12-13.


Leedy MR, Martin HJ, Norowski PA, Jennings JA, Haggard WO, and Bumgardner JD, Use of Chitosan as a Bioactive Implant Coating for Bone-Implant Applications. Chitosan for Biomaterials II. 244: p. 129-165.


Feldman D and Jennings J, Healing Equations:  Letter to Editor. Wounds. 15(12).

Published Books


Abstracts and Presentations

Invited Lectures


  • Jennings, J. Stimuli-responsive Drug Release from Chitosan. in 11th Asia Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Conference and 5th Indian Chitin and Chitosan Society Meeting. 2015. Kochi, Kerala, India.

  • Jennings, JA. Anti-biofilm strategies for implanted biomaterials. in International Conference for Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films. 2015. San Diego, CA.

  • Jennings, J, Bumgardner, J, and Haggard, W. Combinatorial Therapeutic Strategies to Improve Healing of Infected and Compromised Wounds. in Invited Lecture at Veteran's Affairs Medical Center. 2010. Memphis, TN.




  • Harrison, Z., et al. Silanization of titanium and hydroxyapatite for loading and release of 2-heptylcyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid. in Joint Symposium of the Society for Biomaterials and Japanese Society for Biomaterials. 2022. Honolulu, HI.

  • Choi, L., et al. Evaluation of acyl-modified chitosan membranes loaded with cis-2-decenoic acid and bupivacaine for infection prevention. in Joint Symposium of the Society for Biomaterials and Japanese Society for Biomaterials. 2022. Honolulu, HI. 

  • Abuhussein, E., C. Wells, E. Coleman, and J. Jennings. Antimicrobial and anti-biofilm efficacy of local anesthetics combined with cis-2-decenoic acid against Staphylococcus aureus. in Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting. 2022. Tampa, FL.

  • Yeasmin, R., L. Choi, Z. Harrison, E. Coleman, and J. Jennings. Antimicrobial study of acylated chitosan nanofibers loaded with local anesthetics and cis-2-decenoic acid against Staphylococcus Aureus. in Orthoapaedic Research Society Annual Meeting. 2022. Tampa, FL. 

  • Jennings, J. Scientific presentation self-efficacy characteristics of biomedical engineering students. in Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting. 2022. Baltimore, MD. 

  • Yeasmin, R. and J. Jennings. Effect of Fatty Acid Chain Length and Reaction Time on the Acylated Electrospun Chitosan Membrane Characteristics. in Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting. 2022. Baltimore, MD. 

  • Harrison, Z., J. Bush, J. Bumgardner, T. Fujiwara, D. Baker, R. Wiley, and J. Jennings. Silanization of titanium and hydroxyapatite for loading and release of 2-heptylcyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid. in Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting. 2022. Baltimore, MD. 

  • Coleman, E., M. Atwill, J. Bumgardner, and J. Jennings. Cytocompatibility of Chitosan-Silver Coated Titanium Coupons. in Midsouth Glycoscience Meeting. 2022. Oxford, MS. 

  • Coleman, E., E. Abuhussein, M. Edwards, J. Bumgardner, and J. Jennings. Coating of Titanium Surfaces with Silver-Chitosan using Silane Linkers. in International Conference for Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films. 2022. San Diego, CA.


  • Choi, L.; Wells, C.; Harrison, Z.; Bumgardner, J.; Fujiwara, T.; Jennings, J. In Acylation of electrospun chitosan membranes with medium chain fatty acids, Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting, Virtual, 2021; Virtual. 

  • Harrison, Z.L.; Bumgardner, J.D.; Fujiwara, T.; Baker, D.L.; Jennings, J.A. In In vitro evaluation of loaded chitosan membranes for pain relief and infection prevention, Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting, Virtual, 2021; Virtual.

  • Harrison, Z.; Bumgardner, J.; Fujiwara, T.; Baker, D.; Jennings, J. In In vitro evaluation of loaded chitosan membranes for infection prevention, Orthopaedic Research Society, Long Beach, CA (virtual), 2021; Long Beach, CA (virtual). 

  • Coleman, E., et al. Preliminary study of anesthetic-loaded chitosan-mannitol-PEG paste to reduce S. aureus bioburden. in Musculoskeletal Infection Society Annual Meeting. 2021. Fort Lauderdale (virtual combined).

  • Coleman, E., et al. Assessment of Methacrylated Chitosan Hydrogels for Local Delivery of Simvastatin. in National Council For Undergraduate Research Annual Meeting. 2021. Virtual.

  • Harrison, Z., et al. Titanium coated with diffusible signal factors prevents S. aureus biofilm growth. in Advances in Antibacterial Discovery. 2021. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN  

  • Choi, L., et al. Evaluation of acyl-modified chitosan membranes loaded with cis-2-decenoic acid and bupivacaine for infection prevention. in Advances in Antibacterial Discovery. 2021. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN. 

  • Choi, L., et al. Acylation of electrospun chitosan membranes with medium chain fatty acids. in Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting. 2021. Virtual. 


  • Choi, L and Jennings, J. Evaluation of Polyalcohol Blends with Chitosan for Local Antibiotic Delivery. in Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference. 2020. 

  • Johnson, A, Wells, C, and Jennings, J. Covalent Attachment of Cis-2-Decenoic Acid to Electrospun Chitosan Membranes for Biofilm Inhibition. in Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference. 2020. New Orleans, LA. 

  • Harrison, Z, Awais, R, Murali, V, Bumgardner, J, Fujiwara, T, Baker, D, and Jennings, J. Achieving wound coverage, infection prevention, and pain relief through acylated electrospun chitosan membranes  in 9th International DoD State-of-the-Science Meeting: Burn Injury. 2020. Washington, DC. 

  • Brown, M, Yunis, O, Harris, M, Murali, V, Wassef, A, Dipane, M, Noel, S, Bumgardner, J, McPherson, E, and Jennings, J. Comparison of commercially-available calcium sulfate bead kits loaded with antibiotic using in vitro large joint model in Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting. 2020. Phoenix, AZ. 

  • Harrison, Z, Awais, R, Murali, V, Bumgardner, J, Fujiwara, T, Baker, D, and Jennings, J. Achieving wound coverage, infection prevention, and pain relief through acylated electrospun chitosan membranes in RAND Corporation State of the Science Meeting: Mitigating the Impact of Blast-related Burn Injuries: From Prolonged Field Care to Rehabilitation and Resilience." 2020. Washington, DC. 

  • Mallin, S and Jennings, J. Elution of Curcumin from Electrospun Chitosan Membranes for Local Delivery Systems in Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference. 2020. New Orleans, LA. 


  • Awais, R, Harrison, Z, Raji, B, Murali, V, Bumgardner, J, Baker, D, and Jennings, J. 2-Heptylcyclopropane -1-carboxylic acid loaded acylated chitosan membranes inhibit bacterial biofilms. in Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting. 2019. Seattle, WA. 

  • Harrison, Z, Awais, R, Raji, B, Baker, D, and Jennings, J. Cyclopropyl analog of cis-2-decenoic acid inhibits and disperses S. aureus biofilm. in Orthopaedic Research Society. 2019. Austin, TX. 

  • Pace, L and Jennings, J. Evaluation of blended chitosan/polyol injectable paste in an ex vivo model of osteomyelitis. in Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting. 2019. Seattle, WA. 

  • Choi, L, Boles, L, and Jennings, J. Evaluations of Poly(ethylene glycol) Diacrylate Chitosan for a Local Antibiotic Delivery System. in Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting. 2019. Austin, TX. 

  • Pace, L, Harrison, Z, and Jennings, J. Blended chitosan/polyol injectable paste eradicates established S. aureus biofilm in vitro. in Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting. 2019. Austin, TX. 

  • Pace, L, Boles, L, Beenken, K, Smeltzer, M, and Jennings, J. Injectable Mannitol Chitosan Blended Paste Prevents Osteomyelitis in Rabbit Model. in Musculoskeletal Infection Society Annual Meeting. 2019. New York, NY. 

  • Harrison, Z, Baker, D, and Jennings, J. Effects of fatty acid dispersal signals on monocyte activation and nitric oxide release. in Musculoskeletal Infection Society Annual Meeting. 2019. New York, NY. 

  • McPherson, E, Wassef, A, Bumgardner, J, Jennings, J, Noel, S, Murali, V, Harris, M, Brown, M, Yunis, O, and Dipane, M. Simulated Large Joint Fluid Model for Evaluating Intra-Articular Local Antibiotic Delivery Systems in Musculoskeletal Infection Society Annual Meeting. 2019. New York, NY. 

  • Jennings, J, Beenken, K, Smeltzer, M, Haggard, W, and  Preclinical models of polymicrobial infection for evaluation of antimicrobial combination devices in ASTM Symposium on Combination Antimicrobial Devices. 2019. Houston, TX. 

  • Harrison, Z, Awais, R, Gopalakrishnan, R, and Jennings, J. Comparison of Elution of Antibiotic and Biofilm Inhibitor from Manually Applied and Spray Deposited Coatings. in International Conference for Metalurgical Coatings and Thin Films. 2019. San Diego, CA. 

  • Jennings, J, Harrison, Z, Wells, C, and Bumgardner, J. Dual release of biofilm inhibitor and local anesthetic from biopolymer nanofiber membranes for infection prevention. in European Orthopaedic Research Society. 2019. Maastricht, Netherlands. 


  • Harris, M, Pace, L, Beenken, K, Smeltzer, M, and Jennings, J. Development of a Polymicrobial Murine Model of Periprosthetic Joint Infection. in Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting. 2018. New Orleans, LA.

  • Boles, L, Haggard, W, and Jennings, J. Preliminary Evaluation of Trimethyl Chitosan for Degradable Antimicrobial Delivery in Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting. 2018. New Orleans, LA.

  • Pace, L, Ahmed, H, and Jennings, J. Tobramycin and Water Content Effects on Set Time for Tri-phasic Bone Void Filler in Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting. 2018. New Orleans, LA


  • Nelson, C, Bumgardner, J, and Jennings, J. Alginate Coatings Applied to Silver-decorated Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles Decrease Release of Ionic Silver. in Student Research Forum. 2017. University of Memphis.

  • Nelson, C, Bumgardner, J, and Jennings, J. Safe and effective drug delivery using calcium phosphate silver nanparticles. in Works in Progress Symposium. 2017. University of Memphis.

  • Nelson, C and Jennings, J. Alginate Coatings Applied to Silver-decorated Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles Decrease Release of Ionic Silver. in Tennessee Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation. 2017. Nashville, TN.

  • Pace, L, Harris, M, and Jennings, J. Comparing Swelling Ratio of Different PEG-DMA Lengths in Chitosan Drug Loading Matrix. in Society for Biomaterials. 2017. Minneapolis, MN.

  • Wells, C, Haggard, W, and Jennings, J. Biopolymer Local Delivery Device Loaded with Rifampin and Ciprofloxacin to Inhibit Biofilm Formation. in Student Research Forum. 2017. University of Memphis.

  • Wells, C, Jennings, J, and Haggard, W. Combination of rifampin and ciprofloxacin exhibit additive biofilm inhibition capabilities in vitro when released from chitosan-based local delivery devices. in Society for Biomaterials 2017. Minneapolis, MN.

  • Ahmed, H, Bumgardner, J, and Jennings, J. Localized Drug Delivery Using 0% Ag Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles. in National Council for Undergraduate Research. 2017. Memphis, TN.

  • Ahmed, H, Bumgardner, J, and Jennings, J. Bone Regeneration using Simvastatin as a Growth Factor in Dental Implants. in Student Research Forum. 2017. University of Memphis.

  • Ahmed, H, Bumgardner, J, and Jennings, J. Localized drug delivery of Simvastatin from hollow calcium phosphate nanoparticles for bone repair. in Works in Progress Symposium. 2017. University of Memphis.

  • Ahmed, H and Jennings, J. Localized drug delivery of Simvastatin from hollow calcium phosphate nanoparticles for bone repair. in Tennessee Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation. 2017. Nashville, TN.

  • Alexander, C, Haggard, W, and Jennings, J. Chitosan paste for local antibiotic delivery: an assessment of in vitro antibiotic elution and degradation. in Society for Biomaterials. 2017. Minneapolis, MN.

  • Alexander, C, Haggard, W, and Jennings, J. Chitosan paste for local antibiotic delivery: an assessment of cell and tissue compatibility. in Orthopaedic Research Society. 2017. San Diego, CA.

  • Barr, B and Jennings, J. Cytocompatibility study of magnetic nanoparticle loaded chitosan- PEG beads in cancerous fibroblasts. in Tennessee Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation. 2017. Nashville, TN.

  • Barr, B and Jennings, J. Cytocompatibility of Magnetic Nanoparticle Loaded Chitosan Microbeads in Cancerous Fibroblasts for Targeted Drug Delivery. in Student Research Forum. 2017. University of Memphis.

  • Harris, M and Jennings, J. Antimicrobial Loaded Phosphatidylcholine Coatings Support Cell Viability. in Orthopaedic Research Society. 2017. San Diego, CA.

  • Harris, M, Pace, L, and Jennings, J. Phospholipid Coatings Release Active Concentrations of Antibiotic and Biofilm Inhibitor. in Society for Biomaterials. 2017. Minneapolis, MN.

  • LeVine, D, Bumgardner, J, Haggard, W, and Jennings, J. Magnetic chitosan microbeads for use as a local drug delivery system. in Works in Progress Symposium. 2017. University of Memphis.

  • LeVine, D, Haggard, W, Bumgardner, J, and Jennings, J. Magnetic Chitosan Microbeads for Use as a Local Drug Delivery System. in Student Research Forum. 2017. University of Memphis.

  • LeVine, D, Haggard, W, Bumgardner, J, and Jennings, J. Antibiotic Loaded Magnetic Microbeads for Use as a Local Drug Delivery System,. in National Council for Undergraduate Research. 2017. Memphis, TN.

  • LeVine, D and Jennings, J. Magnetic chitosan microbeads for use as a local drug delivery system. in Tennessee Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation. 2017. Nashville, TN.

  • Nelson, C, Bumgardner, J, and Jennings, J. Alginate Coatings Applied to Silver-decorated Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles Decrease Release of Ionic Silver. in National Council for Undergraduate Research. 2017. Memphis, TN.



  • Jennings, J, Beenken, K, Harris, M, Wells, C, Courtney, H, Smeltzer, M, Bumgardner, J, and Haggard, W. Antibiotic-loaded chitosan sponges inhibit polymicrobial biofilm in an orthopedic infection model. in Musculoskeletal Infection Society Annual Meeting. 2016. Charlotte, NC.

  • Jennings, J, Beenken, K, Smeltzer, M, and Haggard, W. Local delivery of amikacin and vancomycin from chitosan sponges prevents polymicrobial implant-associated biofilm. in Military Health Service Research Symposium. 2016. Orlando, FL.

  • Mamaril, A, Singh, P, Haggard, W, and Jennings, J. Soaking Fabric Spinal Implant in Vancomycin Elutes Active Concentrations of Antibiotic Over Three Hours. in Musculoskeletal Infection Society Annual Meeting. 2016. Charlotte, NC.

  • Mamaril, A, Singh, P, Patel, R, Bumgardner, J, and Jennings, J. Release of adenosine from chitosan beads. in World Congress of Biomaterials. 2016. Montreal.

  • Masters, E, Harris, M, and Jennings, J. Cis 2-decenoic Acid Interacts With Bacterial Cell Membranes To Potentiate Additive And Synergistic Responses Against Biofilm In Orthopaedic Pathogens. in Orthopaedic Research Society. 2016. Orlando, FL.

  • Masters, E, Harris, M, Patel, R, and Jennings, J. Measuring and modeling elution of Cis 2-decenoic acid from phosphatidylcholine coatings. in World Congress of Biomaterials. 2016. Montreal.

  • Masters, E, Harris, M, Patel, R, and Jennings, J. Functional Retention of Phosphatidylcholine Coatings on Titanium and Stainless Steel Implant Surfaces. in International Conference for Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films. 2016. San Diego, CA.

  • Patel, R, Duncan, EC, Mamaril, A, Singh, P, Haggard, WO, and Jennings, J. Release and Activity of Adenosine Incorporated Into Calcium Sulfate. in Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting. 2016. Orlando FL.

  • Tapp, J, Diallo, M, Alexander, C, Bumgardner, J, Haggard, W, and Jennings, J. Matrix deposition on cell-seeded polymeric enthesis repair scaffolds under mechanostimulation. in World Congress of Biomaterials. 2016. Montreal.

  • Wells, C, Diallo, M, Beenken, K, Smeltzer, M, Courtney, H, Bumgardner, J, Jennings, J, and Haggard, W. Chitosan Sponges Elute Active Ciprofloxacin and Rifampin for Local Infection Prevention. in Musculoskeletal Infection Society Annual Meeting. 2016. Charlotte, NC.

  • Wells, C, Diallo, M, Harris, M, Beenken, K, Smeltzer, M, Courtney, H, Jennings, J, and Haggard, W. Biopolymer Chitosan Sponge Dual Antibiotic-Loaded with Ciprofloxacin and Rifampin for Bacterial Inhibition. in Military Health Service Research Symposium. 2016. Orlando, FL.

  • Wells, C, Feldman, J, Chow, J, Mihalko, WM, Neel, M, Page, JM, Haggard, W, and Jennings, J. Image Analysis Software Programs Facilitate Objective Comparison of Total Hip Arthroplasty Methods. in Orthopaedic Research Society. 2016. Orlando, FL.

  • Wells, C, Harris, M, Diallo, M, Haggard, W, and Jennings, J. Comparison of enzymatic and accelerated oxidative degradation methods to evaluate chitosan. in World Congress of Biomaterials. 2016. Montreal.

  • ]Wells, C, Harris, M, Patel, R, Ahn, D, Haggard, W, and Jennings, J. Efficacy of higher doses of tobramycin and vancomycin released from commercial local delivery device. in World Congress of Biomaterials. 2016. Montreal.

  • Diallo, M, Tapp, J, Alexander, C, Haggard, W, Bumgardner, J, and Jennings, J. Mechanostimulation Of Cell-seeded Synthetic Fiber Scaffolds For Improved Tendon Repair. in Orthopaedic Research Society. 2016. Orlando, FL.

  • Gehrmann, CJ, Herwig, J, Bumgardner, J, and Jennings, J. Biomaterial education initiative for primary school students. in World Congress of Biomaterials. 2016. Montreal.

  • Gonzales, G, Bumgardner, J, Babu, J, Jennings, J, Haggard, W, Adhikari, H, Pulgarin, DAV, Martin, T, Murali, V, and Mishra, S. Use of calcium phosphate- silver nanoparticles in chitosan coatings on titanium and for drug delivery. in World Congress of Biomaterials. 2016. Montreal.

  • Harris, M, Beenken, K, Smeltzer, M, Haggard, W, and Jennings, J. Antimicrobial–Loaded Phosphatidylcholine Coatings Inhibit Biofilm in an Orthopaedic Infection Model: A Pilot Study. in Musculoskeletal Infection Society Annual Meeting. 2016. Charlotte, NC.



  • Black, M and Jennings, JA. Effects of Size on Release of Molecules from Phosphatidylcholine Coatings in Vanderbilt Biomaterials Day. 2015. Nashville, TN.

  • Carpenter, DP, Troxel, KS, Haggard, WO, and Jennings, JA. Vancomycin release from point-of-care phosphatidylcholine implant coatings. in Society for Biomaterials. 2015. Charlotte, NC.

  • Duncan, EC, Abell, AN, Haggard, WO, and Jennings, JA. The Effect of Adenosine on the Proliferation and Osteogenic Differentiation of Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells. in National Council on Undergraduate Research Posters on the Hill. 2015. Nashville, TN.

  • Duncan, EC, Abell, AN, Haggard, WO, and Jennings, JA. Proliferative and Migratory Responses of Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells Exposed to Adenosine. in Vanderbilt Biomaterials Day. 2015. Nashville, TN.

  • Duncan, EC, Carpenter, DP, Haggard, WO, and Jennings, JA. Release and Activity of Adenosine Incorporated Into Calcium Sulfate in Society for Biomaterials. 2015. Charlotte, NC.

  • Gehrmann, CJ, McGraw, GS, Shreyak, G, and Jennings, JA. Assessment Modality for Biomaterial Education Outreach to Improve Pedagogical Methods. in Society for Biomaterials. 2015. Charlotte, NC.

  • Jennings, J, Babu, J, Pulgarin, D, Kunwar, D, Mishra, S, and Bumgardner, J. Bacterial inhibition by chitosan coatings loaded with silver-decorated calcium phosphate microspheres. in Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting. 2015. Las Vegas, NV.

  • Jennings, JA. Anti-biofilm strategies for implanted biomaterials. in International Conference for Metallurgical Coatings and Thin films. 2015. San Diego, CA.

  • Martin, TB, Pulgarin, DAV, Babu, JP, Shahbuddin, M, Jennings, JA, Bumgardner, JD, and Mishra, SR. Antimicrobial Effect of Calcium Phosphate Spheres decorated with Ag nanodots on Periodontal Pathogens. in Society for Biomaterials. 2015. Charlotte, NC.

  • Rhodes, CS, Whitaker, MD, Parker, AC, Doty, HA, Jennings, JA, and Haggard, WO. In Vitro and In Vivo Degradation and Biocompatibility Evaluation of Chitosan Sponges and Paste. in Society for Biomaterials. 2015. Charlotte, NC.

  • Wells, CM, Jennings, JA, Haggard, WO, and Courtney, HS. Dual Loaded Tobramycin and Vancomycin Biomaterials for Local Delivery to Inhibit Common Bacteria Strains That May Contribute to the Formation of Biofilm. in The Tennessee Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (Tennessee LSAMP) 12th Annual Research Conference. 2015. Nashville, TN.

  • Whitaker, M, Rhodes, C, Jennings, JA, and Haggard, WO. Extended In Vitro and In Vivo Degradation Evaluation of Sodium Acetate Buffered Chitosan Sponges. in The Tennessee Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (Tennessee LSAMP) 12th Annual Research Conference. . 2015. Nashville, TN.



  • Duncan, E, Abell, A, Haggard, W, and Jennings, J. The Effect of Adenosine on the Proliferation and Osteogenic Differentiation of Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells. in GATech Biomaterials Day. 2014. Atlanta, GA.

  • Hoban, A, McGraw, G, Jennings, J, Bumgardner, J, and Haggard, W. Preliminary Results for Local Stimuli Responsive Drug Delivery Composite: Chitosan Sponge Augmented with Chitosan Microspheres Containing Fe3O4 Nanoparticles. in Musculoskeletal Infection Society Annual Meeting. 2014. Charleston, SC.

  • Hoban, A, McGraw, G, Mohapatra, A, Morshed, B, Jennings, J, Bumgardner, J, Mishra, S, and Haggard, W. Preliminary Results for the Addition of Fe3O4 Nanoparticle Impregnated Chitosan Microspheres to the Chitosan Sponge for Stimuli Responsive Antibiotic Delivery. in Society for Biomaterials 2014 Annual Meeting and Exposition. 2014. Denver, CO.

  • Hoban, A, Rawson, M, McGraw, G, Haggard, W, Bumgardner, J, and Jennings, J. Effect of the Addition of Chitosan Micro-beads Containing Iron Oxide Nano-particles to the Chitosan Sponge Delivery System. in Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting 2014. New Orleans, LA.

  • Jennings, J, Carpenter, D, Troxel, K, Beenken, K, Smeltzer, M, and Haggard, W. Novel Antibiotic–Loaded Point–of–Care Implant Coating Inhibits Biofilm. in Musculoskeletal Infection Society Annual Meeting. 2014. Charleston, SC.

  • Jennings, J, Parker, A, Beenken, K, Hittle, L, Shirtliff, M, Smeltzer, M, and Haggard, W. Functional Evaluation of Local Delivery of Amphotericin B and Vancomycin from Modified for Biofilm Inhibition. in Musculoskeletal Infection Society Annual Meeting. 2014. Charleston, SC.

  • Jennings, J, Reves, B, Smith, R, Rose, J, Bumgardner, J, and Haggard, W. In Vivo Evaluation of STRUCSURETM CP for Augmentation of Segmental Defect Healing. in Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting. 2014. Denver, CO.

  • McGraw, G, Hoban, A, Abebe, D, Jennings, JA, Fujiwara, T, Haggard, W, and Bumgardner, J. Preparation of Raspberry Ketone Modified Chitosan Microspheres and Effect on Macrophage Activation. in Society for Biomaterials 2014 Annual Meeting and Exposition. 2014. Denver, CO.

  • Mohapatra, A, McGraw, G, Morshed, B, Jennings, J, Haggard, W, Bumgardner, J, and Mishra, S. Electric Stimulus Response of Chitosan Microbeads Embedded with Magnetic Nanoparticles for Controlled Drug Delivery. in Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference Healthcare Innovations and Point-of-Care Technologies. 2014. Seattle, WA.

  • Mohapatra, A, McGraw, G, Wang, L, Morshed, B, Jennings, J, Haggard, W, Bumgardner, J, and Mishra, S. Electric Stimulus Responsive Drug Delivery System Based on Chitosan Microbeads with Embedded Magnetic Nanoparticles. in IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 36th Annual International Conference. 2014. Chicago.

  • Mohapatra, A, Sahadat, M, McGraw, G, Hoban, A, Morshed, B, Haggard, W, Bumgardner, J, Jennings, J, and Mishra, S. Stimuli-Controlled Drug Delivery System Development with Implantable Biocompatible Chitosan Microbeads. in 4th IAJC/ISAM Joint International Conference. 2014. Orlando, FL.

  • Duncan, E, Abell, A, Haggard, W, and Jennings, J, The effect of Adenosine on the Proliferation and Osteogenic Differentiation of Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells, in BMES Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering. 2014: St. Thomas, USVI.

  • Parker, A, Jennings, J, Bumgardner, J, and Haggard, W. Preliminary In Vitro Evaluation of Degradable Biopolymer Sponges for the Local Release of Amphotericin B. in Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting. 2014. New Orleans.

  • Parker, A, Smith, J, Beenken, K, Jennings, J, Smeltzer, M, HS, C, Bumgardner, J, and Haggard, W. Dual Antibiotic Delivery from Chitosan Sponges Prevents In Vivo Polymicrobial Biofilm Infections. in Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting. 2014. New Orleans.

  • Parker, A, Smith, J, Rhodes, C, Jennings, J, Bumgardner, J, and Haggard, W. Preliminary Evaluation of In Vivo Degradation and Biocompatibility of Chitosan Sponges. in Society for Biomaterials 2014 Annual Meeting and Exposition. 2014. Denver, CO.

  • Rawson, M, Haggard, W, and Jennings, J. Osteocompatibility Of Naturally-produced Biofilm Chemical Dispersal Signals in Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting. 2014. New Orleans.

  • Rawson, M, McGraw, G, Hoban, A, Bumgardner, J, Haggard, W, and Jennings, J. Preliminary Biocompatibility Assessment of Stimuli-responsive Magnetic Nanoparticle-loaded Chitosan Microbeads in Society for Biomaterials 2014 Annual Meeting and Exposition. 2014. Denver, CO.

  • Rhodes, C, Whitaker, M, Jennings, J, Smith, J, and Haggard, W. Extended In Vitro and In Vivo Degradation Evaluation of Sodium Acetate Buffered Chitosan Sponges. in GATech Biomaterials Day 2014. Atlanta, GA.

  • Smith, JK, Parker, AC, Jennings, JA, Beenken, KE, Smeltzer, MS, and Haggard, WO. Dual Antibiotic Delivery from Chitosan Sponges Prevents In Vivo Polymicrobial Biofilm Infections in Society for Biomaterials 2014 Meeting and Exposition. 2014. Denver, CO.



  • Cooper, J, Goodheart, J, Bumgardner, J, Haggard, W, and Jennings, J. Mechanically-Stimulated Co-cultured Tissue-Specific Scaffolds for Tendon/Bone Interface Engineering. in Society for Biomaterials 2013 Annual Meeting and Exposition. 2013. Boston, MA.

  • Jennings, J and Haggard, W. Antibiofilm Fatty Acid Effects on Osteoblast Activity. in Orthopaedic Research Society 2013 Annual Meeting. 2013. San Antonio, TX.

  • Parker, A, Doty, H, Phung, T, Duncan, E, Hoban, A, Onek, M, Jennings, J, and Bumgardner, J. SFB Biomaterials Education Challenge:  What Makes Your Braces Smart?  All About Dental Materials and Their Properties. in Society for Biomaterials 2013 Annual Meeting and Exposition. 2013. Boston, MA.

  • Parker, A, Jennings, J, Courtney, H, Bumgardner, J, and Haggard, W. Local Antifungal Delivery with Degradable, Modified Chitosan Sponges. in Transactions of the 2013 Musculoskeletal Infection Society Annual Meeting. 2013. Philadelphia, PA.

  • Reves, B, Jennings, J, Bumgardner, J, and Haggard, W. Fabrication of Crosslinked Carboxymethylchitosan Microspheres and Their Incorporation Into Composite Scaffolds for Enhanced Bone Regeneration. in Society for Biomaterials 2013 Annual Meeting and Exposition. 2013. Boston, MA.

  • Reves, B, Jennings, J, Konofaos, P, Petersen, D, Wallace, R, Smith, R, Guda, T, Appleford, M, Haggard, W, and Bumgardner, J. Bone Regenerative Capacity of rhBMP-2 Loaded Carboxymethylchitosan Microspheres in a Rat Calvarial Defect. in Society for Biomaterials 2013 Annual Meeting and Exposition. 2013. Boston, MA.

  • Smith, J, Moshref, A, Jennings, J, Courtney, H, and Haggard, W. Local, Synergistic, Dual-Drug Delivery via Chitosan Sponge for Infection Therapy. in Musculoskeletal Infection Society Annual Meeting. 2013. San Antonio, TX.

  • Smith, J, Parker, A, Jennings, J, Courtney, H, Beenken, K, Smeltzer, M, and Haggard, W. Co-culture Inhibition through Local Delivery with Chitosan Sponge. in Transactions of the 2013 Musculoskeletal Infection Society Annual Meeting. 2013. Philadelphia, PA.

  • Smith, J, Parker, A, Jennings, J, and Haggard, W. Chitosan Source Evaluation by Two Degradation Assessment Methods for a Local Delivery Device. in Society for Biomaterials 2013 Annual Meeting and Exposition. 2013. Boston, MA.

  • Zugravu, M, Smith, R, Reves, B, Jennings, J, Cooper, J, Haggard, W, and Bumgardner, J. Physical Properties and In Vitro Evaluation of Collagen-Chitosan-Calcium Phosphate Microparticle-Based Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Regeneration. in Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting. 2013. San Antonio, TX.



  • Cooper, J, Jennings, J, Goodheart, J, and Haggard, W. Co-Cultured Mechanically Stimulated Tendon-to-Bone Scaffolds. in Military Health Service Research Symposium. 2012. Fort Lauderdale, FL.

  • Jennings, J, Courtney, H, Bumgardner, J, and Haggard, W. Local Delivery of Anti-biofilm Agent Cis-2 Decenoic Acid. in Biomaterials Day. 2012. Memphis, TN.

  • Jennings, J, Haggard, W, Bumgardner, J, Courtney, H, and Smeltzer, M. Anti-biofilm Activity of Cis-2 Decenoic Acid. in Military Health Service Research Symposium 2012. Fort Lauderdale, FL.

  • Jennings, J, Hassan, M, Bumgardner, J, Courtney, H, and Haggard, W. Local Delivery of Antibiofilm Agent Cis-2 Decenoic Acid From Natural Biomaterial Sponges. in Society for Biomaterials 2012 Fall Symposium. 2012. New Orleans, LA.

  • Jennings, J, Hassan, M, Courtney, H, Bumgardner, J, and Haggard, W. Local Delivery of Cis-2 Decenoic Acid from Chitosan to Prevent Biofilm Infection. in Orthopaedic Research Society 2012 Annual Meeting. 2012. San Francisco, CA.

  • Jennings, J, Hassan, M, Courtney, H, Bumgardner, J, and Haggard, W. Local Delivery of Cis-2 Decenoic Acid from Chitosan to Prevent Biofilm Infection. in Orthopaedic Research Society 2012 Annual Meeting. 2012. San Francisco, CA.



  • Jennings, J, Courtney, H, and Haggard, W. Cis-2 Decenoic Acid Prevents S. aureus Biofilm Formation In Vitro. in Musculoskeletal Infection Society 2011 Annual Meeting. 2011. Rochester, MN.

  • Jennings, J, Courtney, H, and Haggard, W. Cis-2 Decenoic Acid Prevents Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Biofilm in vitro. in Musculoskeletal Infection Society. 2011. Rochester, MN: Musculoskeletal Infection Society 2011 Annual Meeting.

  • Jennings, J, Hartdegen, V, Smith, R, Bumgardner, J, and Haggard, W. Preliminary Characterization of Drilled Fracture Fixation Implant Particles In Vitro and In Vivo. in Orthopaedic Research Society 2011 Annual Meeting. 2011. Long Beach, CA.

  • Jennings, J, Smith, J, Speich, H, Jennings, L, Noel, S, Bumgardner, J, and Haggard, W. Effects of Local Delivery of Antibiotics from Chitosan Constructs on Hemostasis. in Society for Biomaterials 2011 Annual Meeting and Exposition. 2011. Orlando, FL.



  • Jennings, J, Baldwin, J, Smith, J, Noel, S, Bumgardner, J, Haggard, W, and Courtney, H. Release of Adenosine from Chitosan Films to Promote Healing of Diabetic Foot Ulcers. in Orthopaedic Research Society 2010 Annual Meeting. 2010. New Orleans, LA.

  • Jennings, J, Clower, J, Bumgardner, J, and Haggard, W. Extended Dual Antibiotic Delivery from Modified Calcium Sulfate Delivery Systems. in Society for Biomaterials Meeting and Exposition. 2010. Seattle, WA.

  • McCanless, J, Jennings, J, Bumgardner, J, and Haggard, W. Could Less Mesenchymal Stem Cells Benefit the Degenerate Nucleus Pulposus More? in Orthopaedic Research Society 2010 Annual Meeting. 2010. New Orleans, LA.



  • Crews, R, Jennings, J, Robinson, J, Cole, J, Bumgardner, J, and Haggard, W. Effect of Growth Factors in Combination with Injectable Silicone Elastomer Particles on the Biological Activity of Dermal Fibroblasts:  An In Vitro Study. in Society for Biomaterials 2009 Annual Meeting and Exposition. 2009. San Antonio, TX.

  • Jennings, J, Crews, R, McCanless, J, Noel, S, Reves, B, Watson, J, and Haggard, W. Co-Delivery of Antibiotic and BMP-2 from Modified Calcium Sulfate Implants. in Orthopaedic Research Society 2009 Annual Meeting. 2009. Las Vegas, NV.

  • Jennings, J, Noel, S, Bumgardner, J, and Haggard, W. Elution of Antibiotics from Chitosan/Carbon Nanotube Composite Scaffolds:  A Preliminary Study. in Society for Biomaterials 2009 annual Meeting and Exposition. 2009. San Antonio, TX.

  • Noel, S, Jennings, J, Bumgardner, J, Courtney, H, and Haggard, W. In Vitro Evaluation of Chitosan Films as a Localized Drug Delivery System. in Orthopaedic Research Society 2009 Annual Meeting. 2009. Las Vegas, NV.



  • Noel, S, Courtney, H, Jennings, J, Bumgardner, J, and Haggard, W. Evaluation of Antibiotic-Loaded Chitosan Films as a Local Drug Delivery System. in Musculoskeletal Infection Society 2008 Annual Meeting. 2008. Lake Tahoe, CA.

  • Jennings, J, Noel, S, Bumgardner, J, and Haggard, W. Modified Calcium Sulfate Implants for Orthopedic Drug Delivery. in Biomedical Engineering Society 2008 Annual Meeting. 2008. St. Louis, MO.

  • Jennings, J, Crews, R, McCanless, J, Noel, S, Reves, B, Watson, J, and Haggard, W. Delivery of Pharmaceutical Agents to Orthopedic Defects from Modified Calcium Sulfate Implants. in Society for Biomaterials 2008 Translational Biomaterials Research Symposium. 2008. Atlanta, GA.



  • Jennings, J, Chen, D, and Feldman, D. Electric Field-Induced Gene Expression in Skin Cells. in Wound Healing Society 16th Annual Meeting and Exhibition. 2006. Scottsdale, AZ.

  • McCullars, J, Jennings, J, and Feldman, D. Local Versus Systemic Delivery of Endothelial Progenitor Cells for a Tissue Scaffold. in Society for Biomaterials 2006 Annual Meeting and Exposition. 2006. Pittsburgh, PA.



  • Jennings, J, Andino, R, and Feldman, D. Preliminary Report of Safety and Efficacy of POSiFECT Dressing. in Wound Healing Society 15th Annual Meeting and Exhibition. 2005. Chicago, IL.

  • Jennings, J, Andino, R, and Feldman, D. Effects of an Electrical Stimulation Bandage on Wound Healing. in the European Wound Conference, European Tissue Repair Society. 2005. Stuttgart, Germany.

  • Jennings, J, Andino, R, and Feldman, D. Preliminary Evaluation of an Electrical Stimulation Bandage (POSiFECT dressing). in the European Wound Conference, European Tissue Repair Society. 2005. Stuttgart, Germany.

  • Jennings, J, and Feldman, D. Measuring Gene Expression Patterns Resulting From Electric Fields. in University of Alabama at Birmingham Cell Adhesion and Matrix Research Center Symposium. 2005. Birmingham, AL.

  • Jennings, J, Overby, R, and Feldman, D. In Vivo vs. In Vitro Degradation Rates of a Wound Healing Scaffold. in Society for Biomaterials 2005 Annual Meeting and Exposition. 2005. Memphis, TN.



  • Jennings, J, Andino, R, and Feldman, D. In Vivo Evaluation of a Novel Electrostimulation Bandage for Wound Healing. in Gordon Research Conference on Bioelectrochemistry. 2004. New London, CT.

  • Jennings, J, Andino, R, and Feldman, D. In Vivo Study of Novel Electrostimulation Bandage. in 2nd World Union of Wound Healing Societies' Meeting. 2004. Paris, France.

  • Jennings, J, Andino, R, and Feldman, D. Effects of an Electrical Stimulation Bandage on Wound Healing. in Wound Healing Society 14th Annual Meeting and Exhibition. 2004. Atlanta, GA.

  • Jennings, J, Andino, R, and Feldman, D. Electrical Stimulation Affects Cellular Activity in an In Vivo Model. in 1st Annual Southeast Workshop on Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials. 2004. Clemson, SC.


  • Jennings, J, and Feldman, D. Determining Optimal Treatment Design for Full-thickness Wounds. in Wound Healing Society 13th Annual Meeting and Exhibition. 2003. Seattle, WA.

  • Jennings, J, and Feldman, D. Strategies for Tissue Engineering Skin Constructs. in Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting. 2003. Nashville, TN.



  • Jennings, J, and Feldman, D. In Vivo Clinical Wound Models. in Wound Healing Society 12th Annual Meeting and Exhibition. 2002. Baltimore, MD.


Herff College of Engineering
The University of Memphis

©2019 by Dr. Jessica Amber Jennings.

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